Technology Brief

EnviroAsher utilises a patented technology called Fast Pyrolysis Plasma. In simple words, pyrolysis means the decomposition of organic materials at high temperature in the absence of oxygen.


This technology was first invented by a German scientist in 1956 with the highest temperature recorded being 400 °C. Through our research and development, we managed to raise the temperature up to 1300 °C without using a single drop of fuel.


EnviroAsher has multiple sets of plasma reactors to generate artificial plasma, which is responsible for breaking down the rubbish without the need of fire. In essence, the machine ‘bakes’ the rubbish at high temperature and turning it into ash.


Model: R810T

This model is equipped with solar panels and does not rely on external power source to operate. Hence, it is ideal for remote places such as rural areas and islands. 

Model: R825ES

This model only consumes 6kW of electricity per hour and does not discharge smoke like conventional incinerators. Instead, this model discharges harmless, odourless, and colourless water vapour.

Model: R840-1T

This model only consumes 12kW of electricity per hour and does not discharge smoke like conventional incinerators. Instead, this model discharges harmless, odourless, and colourless water vapour.